Friday, April 17, 2015

French Press Coffee and Tea Bundle by Kitchen Supreme

Being a coffee lover, I had always wondered what a french press was and how it was different than a regular coffee pot. Recently, I got to test one out by Kitchen Supreme.

A french press helps you achieve a creamy, foamy, velvety, and pure coffee and tea so they say. I wasn't sure if I was actually going to be able to tell much of a difference but I certainly did.

I've only tried the french press with coffee so far but I think it's neat that you can make tea with it also. I'm also a huge tea drinker so I'm looking forward to using it for tea soon.


I feel as though the coffee was more rich and smooth when I used the french press versus my regular drip coffee pot and a lot less bitter. I loved all the flavors it brought out. I couldn't believe that I was not experiencing my coffee's full potential.

The process was fairly simple. The first time I used it was a bit time consuming because I didn't have my coffee grounds ground up before I started so I had to measure it all out first. But once I got everything prepared it was  quick and easy.

The first thing I did was fill the french press with hot water to let everything heat up, as it was heating up I put 4 cups of water in a microwave safe measuring cup and heated it until it was boiling. I then took it out and set it aside for about 30 seconds and in the meantime I dumped out the hot water that was sitting in the french press. Then I took 4 tablespoons of the ground coffee and put down in the french press and added the water I just boiled but just enough to cover the grounds. I then put the lid on and let it sit for 1 minute. After 1 minute I gently "stirred the bloom" or the coffee grounds on top being careful not to touch the sides of the french press. Then I poured the rest of the hot water in and put the lid back on. (You don't push the plunger down yet at this point) I then let it sit for 3 additional minutes. Afterwards, I pushed the plunger slowly down until I felt resistance. Once you do that, your DONE! I suggest pouring the coffee out into another pitcher or pot so that it doesn't get bitter.

The instructions seem complicated but trust me, after the first time it's a breeze!

This french press comes with:
  •  4 filter screens
  • 1 stainless still spoon
  • 1 coffee/tea scoop
  • Hard Copy instructions and Barista secrets
I felt that the instructions were very useful. I especially liked the Barista secrets.

Overall, I'm super impressed with this french press. It far exceeded my expectations and I will be using it A LOT!! 

If you would like to learn more about it or other products by Kitchen Supreme you can check out their website here. You can currently purchase this French Press on Amazon here for $29.84.

 Disclosure:  I received the above mentioned product for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions stated are my own.

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