Saturday, December 5, 2015

Ultimate Smile Professional At-Home Teeth Whitening Kit

I love trying teeth whitening products. I'm always looking for ways to whiten my teeth. I drink a lot of teeth so my teeth always seem a bit dingy.

This teeth whitening kit comes with two mouth trays, and two syringes containing 10ml dental carbomide peroxide teeth whitening gel, and retainer case for the mouth trays. 

The instructions were printed on a sheet of paper that was in the package. They were not that specific. The mouth trays have to be placed in 100 degree water but it didn't say for how long. 

When I did it, I left mine in for about 15-20 seconds and the mouth tray shrunk up so small I could barely get it in my mouth and parts of it folded in on itself and got stuck. 

It was a bit tricky but I finally got it to work. I then squirted about 1 ML of gel in each tray and placed it in my mouth. As soon as the gel hit my teeth and gums I could feel it starting to bubble. To be honest, it burned quiet a bit when the gel touches your gums and kind of left them a bit irritated. 

As far as results, I left mine in for 15 minutes and I could definitely tell a difference. My teeth were at least one shade whiter. I forgot to take a before picture so I can't really show my results but it did work. This kit would be great to use if you need to quickly whiten your teeth for a special occasion or something. It's not something I would use very often because it is very irritating to the gums. 

If you are interested in learning more about this product or purchasing it for yourself you can find it on Amazon. It currently sells for $24.99. 


Disclosure:  I received the above mentioned product for free in exchange for my honest review.
All opinions stated are my own.

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